DLP = CTDIvol · L (mGycm) L= scanlängd. Vad är effektiv dos? Effektiv dos = DLP ·k (mSv) k = konversionsfaktorer som är beroende av det anatomiska området 


Dose length product (DLP) measured in mGy*cm is a measure of CT tube radiation output/exposure. It is related to volume CT dose index (CTDIvol), but CTDI vol represents the dose through a slice of an appropriate phantom.DLP accounts for the length of radiation output along the z-axis (the long axis of the patient). DLP = (CTDI vol) * (length of scan, cm)

Sample 2. Sample 3. Editor. McCollough and colleagues, in their recent editorial in the May 2011 issue of Radiology (), have dismissed volume computed tomography (CT) dose index (CTDI vol) and dose-length product (DLP) as useful measures of patient radiation dose, arguing that they do not measure the dose the patient absorbs.However, these indexes quantify the radiation dose to which a patient is exposed and thus PURPOSE: In multidetector CT, the volume CT dose index (CTDIvol) is reported for each scan series and dose conversion factors are used for the size-specific dose estimate (SSDE) and scanner-independent organ dose evaluation. This study aimed at examining the dependencies of conversion factors on scan length, tube voltage, and subject size. For example, CTDIvol (0018,9345) describes the average dose for this image for the selected CT conditions of operation. Since DLP represents dose across multiple images, it does not belong in the header of individual images, although it is available in the RDSR for the exam.

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The concentration of the dose along a patient is determined by the pitch. The higher the pitch, the larger the gaps between slices and the lower the dose. 2020-12-08 2015-01-07 The CTDIvol and DLP were extracted from the monitor and the 75th percentile were calculated. Subsequently, there was a scrutiny of tube current (mA) and modulation option, tube potential (kVp), gantry rotation time (seconds), scan range for cranial exams … Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDIvol), in mGy according to [IEC 60601-2-44] (Clause, The Volume CTDIvol.

The CTDIvol and DLP were extracted from the monitor and the 75th percentile were calculated. Subsequently, there was a scrutiny of tube current (mA) and modulation option, tube potential (kVp), gantry rotation time (seconds), scan range for cranial exams …

DLP is derived from CTDIvol, but incorporates a scan length component. Both function as reasonable proxies for absorbed dose but do not represent the actual patient dose.


Jan 11, 2016 This video makes use of material licensed under creative commons from Sprawls Physics and is therefore uploaded under the same license.


Multi Slice Computed Tomography. av M Edvinsson · 2016 — DLP är ett mått på totala mängden strålning som patienten tagit emot under undersökningen. DLP beräknas DLP=CTDIvol x bestrålad längd.

Methods: Volume Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDIvol means a radiation dose parameter derived from the CTDIw (weighted or average CTDI given across the field of view). The formula is:CTDIvol = (N) (T) (CTDIw)/IwhereN = number of simultaneous axial scans per x-ray source rotation, T = thickness of one axial scan (mm), and. Sample 1. Sample 2. Sample 3. Editor.
Ulla johansson

DLP (mGycm). Notification Value. CTDIvol (mGy). DLP (mGycm).

För att beräkna datortomografi- undersökningens totala dos används termen DLP –  Size-Specific Dose Estimate SSDE = f(diam) x CTDIvol • • • • • Läs av CTDIvol Mät ANT och LAT Kontrollera vilket CTDIvol som avses (16 eller 32 cm)  2 Storhet: genomsnittsdos i den bestrålade volymen (CTDIVOL) i enheten milliGray (mGy). Om undersökningen består av flera serier (avsökningssekvenser​)  (0018,9345), CTDIvol, FD, 1.
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Automatic individualized contrast medium dosage during hepatic computed tomography by using computed tomography dose index volume (CTDIvol) Research output: Contribution to journal › Article


The helical CTDI vol measurement does not depend on helical pitch or collimation width and can be accomplished more easily than the axial method on many scanners. The measurement of CTDI vol with a helical acquisition is a reasonable alternative to the traditional axial method for QC purposes.

Komplikationen. Bemerkung. av E Larsson · 2017 — (2012) rekonstrueras thorax- och bukundersökningar för DT med ASIR och FBP vilket resulterar i en dosreducering av CTDIvol och DLP. Vidare redovisas. huvud, DLP för kropp, CTDIvol för huvud/kropp, DAP, Referenspunktdos och Fluorotid. medeltalet av CTDIvol per skanning och innehåller inte CT-​skannerns  Patient age; DLP; CTDIvol; DAP; ESD; SSDE; Compressed Breast Thickness; mAs; AGD/exam; Staff dose level*. *Requires add-on Staff Dose feature.

2014 — På dagens DT-apparater är det mer aktuellt att använda CTDIvol, som är CTDIw korrigerat för pitch. Vid dosjämförelser eller dosberäkningar är  cor, sag - Dos: CTDIvol mGy (32 cm phantom) CT angiografi Take home - Vid stroke & TIA r snabb krlutredning avgrande fr behandling och prognos - CTA ger​  28 CatPhan 486 kV mAs CTDIvol 120 200 13,36 150 10,02 100 6,68 8,18 6,11 4,​07 CTP486 homogent material 0-20HU(2%) från vatten. Seq scan med fasta  37 items — We have collected patient's age, the district examined, CTDIvol, DLP and effective dose. Results We have divided patients into 4 groups (0-1, 2-5, 6-10,  The kerma-area product (KAP) and CT dose index (CTDIvol) in common examinations. Hakan has 3 jobs listed on their profile. BILTEST Frste testkjring av nye  Det genomsnittliga CTDIvol, DLP och ED för enfas kontrastförstärkt dual-energy CT-scan var 14, 6 ± 1, 4 mGy, 238, 5 ± 29, 9 mGy * cm respektive 0, 5 ± 0, 1 mSv​  CTDIvol (or CTDI volume) represents the dose for a specific scan protocol which takes into account gaps and overlaps between the radiation dose profile from consecutive rotations of the x-ray source. CTDIvol vs.